WEEK 9: Expanding Your Database — Continuing the Clientele Growth Process Database

With an eye on increasing repeat referrals, this week you’ll learn effective strategies to revive relationships that may have gone cold over time, host events to re-meet people you don't see often, and duplicate existing clients and ask for referrals from them.

Another way of growing our database is by exploring FSBOs, short sales, and open houses, and landing the prospect who reached out to us after seeing our names on a call sign at a properties.

Watch This: Expanding Your Database and the Value of Warming Up Cold Clients

What is BOLD?

  • How It Works: This class costs $800 for you to sign up. However, Rob splits the cost 50/50, and you will be reimbursed by the program on each of the first four deals you close.
  • Sign Up Here 

Schedule This: Weekly Accountability Check-ins

  • Check-ins are generally 15-30 minutes long. During this time we will review your understanding of this week's course material, review your goal numbers, and discuss any challenges you are facing
  • Pop Quiz: 60-Day Goal Check:
    • Following Up After Another Agent's Failure
    • Conversion Ratios