WEEK 12: Personal Leadership and Self-Development — Positive Change From the Inside Out

In our last week of official Commodari Group agent training, we’re going to delve deep into personal leadership and self-development, including staying on track, creating a strategy for personal growth, and spreading the fruits of our internal development into everything we do. When you create a truthful and generous internal freedom, it becomes easier to help others.

We’ll also talk about maintaining our physical and mental health, getting in touch with our authentic identity, and reflecting on our blessings and gratitude.

  • Watch This: Leadership Commitment

Download This: Leadership Unlocked: The Keller-Williams Guide to Developing Leadership Skills

    • Watch This: 10 Minutes to Start Your Day Positively

  • Rob Blog: The Psychology of Real Estate (15 minutes)

Watch This: Six Personal Perspectives: Remove Our Limiting Beliefs


Watch This: Personal Growth —How Consistency and Discipline Allow for Personal Development


    • Watch This: Focus On Self Development, Not Self Fulfillment

Watch This: Commit to Mastery, Mindset, Goals, Approach

Watch This: Reflections Blessings, Gratitude

What is BOLD?

  • How It Works: This class costs $800 for you to sign up. However, Rob splits the cost 50/50, and you will be reimbursed by the program on each of the first four deals you close.
  • Sign Up Here 

Schedule This: Weekly Accountability Check-ins

  • Check-ins are generally 15-30 minutes long. During this time we will review your understanding of this week's course material, review your goal numbers, and discuss any challenges you are facing.
  • This will be the last check-in for the agent training program, so let's make it count! We will evaluate your mastery of the coursework and set goals for the coming months.