WEEK 1: Planning and Goal-Setting for the Top-Tier Real Estate Agent

In this first week, we are going to focus on getting organized. Don't be in a rush to jump in and start buying and selling before you have all the pieces in place to be effective, organized, and accountable. Set up the system and start building habits so that you can work smart, not hard.

Win the Day Formula

Watch This: Win the Day, Know Your Why – Working By Referral

Expect This: Individual Accountability

  • The 30-60-90 Rule
  • Sitting Down One-to-One With Rob Every Month
  • 15-Minute Check-In Chats Each Week

Do These: How to Time-Block and Manage Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Activities

(Be Sure to Log In First to Your Buffini Account Before Clicking the Links Below)

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5



Learn This: An Overview of Referral Maker CRM (Day 1)

Set Up: Referral Maker CRM in Four Lessons

Learn This: Onboarding: Load, Sort and Qualify Your Database, Week 1

Use These: Calls, Notes, Pop-bys, and Tracking Actions in Your Database

Set Up: How to Organize Your Google Calendar

Learn This: Recording, Tracking, and Counting Expenses 

Watch This: Mission, Vision, and Values

Live This:

  • Vision: To be recognized as the team that provides the best customer service in the business while helping while redefining the way real estate is bought and sold, doing things the right way the first time to eliminate conflict, anxiety, and problems, and making lifetime relationships with our clients.
  • Mission: To love, care, and serve our clients in a way that puts them in the best position to either buy or sell a home.
  • Values: Customer service, consistent communication, staying positive, respect for team and clients, attitude and energy, market knowledge, transparency, efficiency, honesty, promptness, taking initiative, relationships, teamwork, excellence, doing the right thing always, commitment to growth, family, and integrity. (How do agents at Commodari Group have to behave to reflect those values?).

Schedule This: 

Weekly Accountability Check-ins are generally 15-30 minutes long. 

In Week 1, you will review budget and schedule and CRM, and be able to recite mission, vision, and values.